Antonio Calvani.
Abstract: In the final module of four over two years, academics on the PGCAP at the University of Bedfordshire were required to create a four-stage wiki to evidence their knowledge about evaluating strategies which promote effective learning, relating the effectiveness of their teaching to theories of learning, while critically reviewing factors leading to effective use of student-centred methods of teaching. We wanted the students to understand the experience of working collaboratively to create a wiki and to create a rich resource for their own and future students’ use. The wiki, eventually comprising 419 pages, was worth 50% of the final assessment for this module. This session will show the wiki that resulted from the 2006-7 class and illustrate the problems that ensued in the first year. It will also show the wiki that will have been completed in the second year by June 2008 and identify those aspects of good practice in this exercise that have been identified as a result.
Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society | ISSN (online) 1971 - 8829 | ISSN (paper) 1826 - 6223 © 2009 Je-LKS - Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L). Hosted by Laboratory of Maieutics, University of Trento. Connectivism: new paradigm or fascinating pot-pourri? Calvani.
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